Flipchart Board for Rent Sri Lanka

Flip chart Board with stand for rent in Sri Lanka.

Flip chart Board with stand for rent in Sri Lanka.

Size: Width 2 ft x Height 3 ft.
With the stand.

Rent per day 3000/= ( Please contact us for more than 3 days rental )
50 Sheets paper set 900/=

Hotline 0763 103 104

Flip Chart Board with stand for workshop, classes, training, etc on Rent.

A flip chart board is a stationery item consisting of a pad of large paper sheets. It is typically fixed to the upper edge of a whiteboard,or supported on a tripod stand. Such charts are commonly used for presentations. Specially you can write permanent thing on the paper sheets while whiteboard can use temporary things. We rent / hire flip chart board for any occasion upon short notice.


Screen (6x6) - 1,500/= per day.
Screen (8x6) - 2,500/= per day ( without delivery charges ).
LED TV with stand - Starting from 4000/= per day.